Happy New Year to all our Panda families! We hope your holiday season was filled with laughter and joy.
We would like to thank everyone who helped make it possible for us to sponsor 33 children through Foster Fairies and the Salvation Army Angel Tree program. Your generosity meant that so many little ones got to experience a delightful holiday season.
Winter Weather Alerts:
Thus far our winter has been very mild. However, if Polly Panda/Bridgford would need to close due to inclement weather we want to communicate the plan with you. A decision to close will be based on if we feel our staff can’t arrive at the school safely or if Marion County goes under a snow emergency. We don’t follow a certain school system. You will be alerted via email, Facebook and on channels 8 and 13. The decision will be made as soon as possible.
January 20 - Polly Panda/Bridgford will be open regular hours on Martin Luther King day.
Tax Statements:
The 2024 tax statements will be emailed out mid-January. If there is a balance on your account, the statement will not be emailed until the account is brought current.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out, email: [email protected] or 317-257-9127.
Tammy & Shannon
Monthly Themes
Infant Themes:
Winter is here (Snow, Snowflakes, Snowmen, Mittens, and Hot Chocolate)
Toddlers and Two’s Themes:
January 6-10 Fun in the Snow (Hats, Boots, and Mittens)
January 13-17 Arctic Animals
January 20-24 Let’s Build-Construction
January 23-31 Let’s Go to the Beach
Color and Shape of the Month:
White and Diamond
Preschool and Pre-K Themes:
January 6-10 Snowmen at Night, Snow and Ice (Letter Ww)
January 13-17 Arctic Animals (Letter Ii)
January 20-24 Let’s Build-Construction (Letter Bb)
January 27-31 Let’s Go to the Beach (Letter Oo)
Math Concept of the Month:
Classifying and Sorting
Quote of the Month
January 17 - Field Trip
The Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Penguins, Jellyfish, Daisies and Ladybugs will enjoy a magic show from magician Chad Collyer. Chad has been performing magic shows in the Indy area for over 12 years. The show will take place on Friday January 17th. The cost is $15.00, you'll be notified by email if you need to pay.
Staff Birthdays:
January 4 - Ann Powell (Float)
January 19 - Mari Lee (Butterflies)
Staff Anniversaries:
January 31 - Beyonce Kent (Honey Bees) - 3 years
Employee of the Month
The Januarye Employee of the Month is Ms. Jourdinn Kent!
Ms. Jourdinn has worked in child care for ten years. Five of those years have been with Polly Panda. Ms. Jourdinn currently works in our Dolphin classroom, which is the middle three year old preschool room.
She earned her CDA and is currently enrolled at Ivy Tech studying Legal Studies.
Ms. Jourdin enjoys being able to be a part of helping each child grow and develop. Ms. Jourdinn loves laughing and playing with the kids and getting to know each one’s unique personalities. Her favorite part of her day is listening to each child’s stories that they love sharing with her. Ms. Jourdinn feels the most important part of her job is to assist each child in overcoming the different challenges they may face during the day. She also feels it is important to make each child feels respected and heard.
When Ms. Jourdinn isn’t hanging out with her Dolphins, she loves being with her own to little ones, Ariah, and Phenyx. She loves doing arts and crafts and reading them stories. Please join us in congratulating Ms. Jourdinn and thanking her for her dedication to our Panda kiddos.